DiodeMatrix will no longer develop software for clients. We are encouraging users that are using DiodeMatrix’s software to seek other solutions, as we will not be actively maintaining our solutions. All standing support contracts will expire DEC 2021 just as agreed to. We will under no circumstances support any extension of these contracts.
What will happen if we keep using the software solution?
Nothing. You are free to use the software solution until you are ready to let go. The update services will be live until further notice, to make sure you always have the latest version. The installer will always work and licensing systems will accept NULL as a valid key.
On request we will send a repo of the source code.
*Only if this is available, sometimes under request we remove any sources for extended security.
What if we need a change to our solution? or What if we want a new solution?
We will send the requester the sourcecode of the solution so that changes can be made. (our source code will also contain the build-tools required to build the software solution.
For a new solution we reccomend to visit one of our partners.